Tips from a Masterful Media Communicator

Tips from a Masterful Media Communicator

People often ask me who excels at talking to the media. My answer is Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner General of UNRWA – the UN Palestinian Relief Agency that employs 13,000 people in the Gaza Strip, and runs schools and social services. Lazzarini has one of the most...

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Keeping the Show on the Road

Keeping the Show on the Road

One of the key roles of a conference moderator is making sure that everything goes smoothly. Whatever happens, the show must go on, and the only person who can ensure this is the moderator who has the microphone. Nothing as dramatic has happened to me as the famous...

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What Makes a Great Keynote Speech?

What Makes a Great Keynote Speech?

When was the last time you heard a great keynote speech? Many speakers use them to sell themselves or their organisation, neglecting to engage with the theme of the event. Not so Dr Steve MacFeely, Chief Statistician at the WHO, tasked with giving the keynote before a...

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